Naohiko KISHI


  • 1985

    Joined Tokyo Broadcasting System (now TBS Holdings).

  • 1996

    Planned and proposed Japan's first complex live venue, "Akasaka BLITZ," and became its manager.

  • 2008

    Planned and produced the multifaceted entertainment space "Akasaka Sacas."

  • 2015

    Established the general incorporated association "Art Tokyo."

  • 2016

    Launched Japan's first market research on the Japanese art industry.

  • 2017

    Worked with the Agency for Cultural Affairs to continuously investigate and
    assess the potential of the art industry as a "sector," turning it into measurable data and
    realizing the visualization of growth potential in the Japanese economy.

    Served as a member of the selection committee for the Agency for Cultural Affairs' "Strategic Arts and
    Cultural Promotion Project: Planning and Operation of Efforts
    to Expand Local Markets in the Visual Arts" initiative.

  • 2024

    Appointed President of Nagoya University of the Arts.

  • Currently:

    Member of the Cultural Economic Subcommittee, Agency for Cultural Affairs.

    Member of the Expert Meeting on Tourism Strategy, Japan Tourism Agency.
    Collaborating with the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan Tourism Agency, and embassies of over 100 countries in Japan, as well as local governments, to create international exchange opportunities through arts and culture.

  • Art Fair Achievement:

  • 2016


  • 2018


  • 2019

    art KYOTO

  • 2021


  • 2022


  • 2022

    art stage OSAKA

From exective producer

Oriental Local ⇄ Global

The sky, clouds, and the sun,
The moon at night, Mars, Venus, and many other stars.

The way we see the world through our eyes, across time and space, has not changed much,
Yet, it continues to evolve.

In 2000, a lump of clay with geometric patterns, estimated to be 75,000 years old, was found in the Blombos Cave.

Abstract expressionism, which suddenly bloomed in various places, 'appeared and vanished.'
Then, from around 40,000 years ago, culture began to spread and diversify,
And art became more widely seen.

As the world continued to expand, each culture developed,
Fostering 'art' that gave concrete form to abstract concepts.

And now,
With the expansion of networks, 'art' can be enjoyed in one place.
Ancient art, modern art, contemporary art, and digital collectibles from around the world
Will all come together.

Osaka International Art
Opens on May 30, 2025.

Osaka International Art
Executive Producer: Naohiko KISHI

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  • ※展示作品は予告なく変更になる場合がございます。
  • © OSAKA INTERNATIONAL ART. All rights Reserved

  • ※イベントは事情により中止・変更する場合がございます。
  • ※展示作品は予告なく変更になる場合がございます。
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